Detailed Data Gathering and Analysis
Toolbox Themes
- Climate action
Gather additional data of the selected area or neighbourhood and develop more detailed spatial analysis regarding the main challenges and opportunities identified or linked to the Spatial Strategic Plan.
A set of detailed analytic maps of the specific neighbourhood for which the plan will be developed.
In Block D Analysis and Diagnostic, data was gathered and analysed corresponding to the national, regional, metropolitan, and city scale. In this activity, specific data is gathered of the selected area or neighbourhood through desk and field research, in order to analyse and produce more detailed information needed for the neighbourhood plan. It has to be considered that neighbourhood data may require more time to be obtained compared to national or regional data since it is common that specific information at a local level has not been produced or properly recopilated (e.g climate and environmental data, economy and livelihoods or detailed demographic data).
The first step before starting is defining the neighbourhood boundary and the poligon for which the plan will be developed. Then, a stakeholder mapping exercise should be conducted to identify key stakeholders that need to be involved along the neighbourhood planning process.
Additionally, qualitative and quantitative data is gathered regarding the natural environment, risk and vulnerabilities, demographic and social aspects, accessibility and mobility, built environment, public space, services provision, economic activities, etc.
Some information might be available in the local municipality, or included in the maps developed for the Diagnostic (Activity 16). If not, it should be collected through field research, carrying out reconnaissance surveys, mapping exercises, household surveys, interviews, focus group discussions, etc. Additional qualitative data might include the local population perceptions and technical knowledge about positive and negative issues in their neighbourhood, such as safety aspects (related to crime, mobility, environmental hazards etc.), public space perceptions, local landmarks, etc.
The information is then digitised using Geographic Information System (GIS) software and consolidated. Then, a spatial analysis is conducted following similar methods described in the Analysis (Activity 14) to produce a series of spatial base maps that describe the current conditions of the neighbourhood.
- Define the neighbourhood boundary for which the plan will be developed.
- Conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise for the neighbourhood scale (T12 Stakeholders' Mapping) to identify key actors that need to be involved in the neighbourhood planning process.
- Set up the initial broad research framework including the topics of investigation.
- Review the information and maps produced in the Analysis (Activity 14) and Diagnostic (Activity 16) at the city scale and consolidate any data that corresponds to the neighbourhood boundary.
- Define the content list of the analysis.
- Collect data from municipal offices, academic institutes and/or open source websites. Desk Research (Activity 12) and Field Research (Activity 13) and related tools (T14 Desk and Field Research - Maps and Data Checklist) can be adapted to the neighbourhood scale .
- Identify additional data needed and select the methods that will be used to conduct the field research (T38 Detailed Data Gathering and Analysis Checklist).
- Consolidate and digitalise all the data into a single GIS database.
- Define the key analysis to conduct, considering the available information, the objective of the plan, and the main preliminarily identified challenges.
- Compile the analysis into a series of spatial maps and identify the prioritised issues that should be addressed in the Detailed Plan.
Disaster Risk Reduction and Climate Action

It is possible to conduct a neighbourhood vulnerability mapping and assessment, following the same methodology as described in T20 Vulnerability Assessment. Additional data should be collected at neighbourhood scale, through household surveys or neighbourhood walks, using geotagging in order to identify local facilities.
T20 Vulnerability Assessment
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