Neighbourhood Projects and Interventions

2 weeks

Identify specific projects and interventions aligned to the Neighbourhood Plan.

  • Neighbourhood projects and interventions

  • Preliminary computation of costs and financial strategy


Defining specific projects and interventions in the neighbourhood, aligned to the conceptual structure of the Neighbourhood Plan, allows the plan to come to life. In this activity, the technical team consolidates the specific urban interventions and other strategic projects at the neighbourhood scale, considering the the results from the Detailed Data Gathering and Analysis (Activity 31), the outputs and discussion from the Neighbourhood Planning Workshop (Activity 32), and the Neighbourhood Plan and Design (Activity 33). Additional workshops can be carried out with the community to design in more detail specific sites or streets within the neighbourhood, using the Block by Block methodology (See Additional Resources for more information).

Projects and urban interventions can be classified and prioritised according to their scope, scale, impact, investment, urgency, time period of implementation and other criteria. Short term and low investment actions can include tactical urbanism interventions that not only improve the urban conditions with quick and low-cost improvement, but also allow for the process of design and construction to be participatory. Larger scale and high-cost projects will possibly need other forms of funding and management in their implementation, such as requiring funds and support from the municipality, state, or federal government, partnerships with the private sector, or grants.

The identified projects and activities should be in line with the planning legal framework requirements (Legal Resources Review (Activity 2)).It is also important to verify their compatibility with the available resources (Financial Resources Review (Activity 3)) and elaborate a financial strategy. This activity provides a tool to support the estimated calculation of costs for the projects and interventions (T40 Preliminary Estimation of Costs). Then, these can be operationalised in Phase 3 Operationalisation.

  1. Review the Detailed Data Gathering and Analysis (Activity 31) results and the Neighbourhood Planning Workshop (Activity 32) outputs.
  2. Consolidate a list of actions categorised into projects (larger scale, higher cost, more time to implement) and interventions (lower cost, scale, and faster to implement).
  3. Map the specific locations where the projects and interventions should be implemented.
  4. Verify the compatibility of the plan with the legal resources and local governance (Legal Framework Review (Activity 2)). 
  5. Review the outputs of the Financial Resources Review (Activity 3).
  6. Elaborate a preliminary estimation of costs (T40 Preliminary Estimation of Costs Template).