Neighbourhood Planning Workshop
Toolbox Themes
- Participation
Validate the neighbourhood analysis developed by the technical team, and co-create a general design scheme for the neighbourhood plan.
Selection of goals and targets (from the identified city's goals and targets) that will be applied to the neighbourhood plan.
Conceptual design scheme for the neighbourhood (including streets, Blocks, land use, etc.)
The Neighbourhood Planning Workshop is a collaborative session to kickstart the development of the Neighbourhood Plan, inviting key actors identified in the stakeholder mapping exercise in the previous activity. The workshop can take place in one or two days, according to the time availability and the capacity of the technical team and participants.
In the first part of the workshop, participants discuss and validate the defined neighbourhood boundary, and the data gathering and analysis performed in the Detailed Data Gathering and Analysis (Activity 31). Then, the vision, goals, and targets of the city are presented. Participants discuss how they can be applied to the neighbourhood scale and select specific goals and targets that will be included in the Neighbourhood Plan.
The second part of the workshop consists of reviewing the Strategic Development Plan and defining the land use to co-design a conceptual scheme for the neighbourhood, including streets, Blocks, public spaces, infrastructure, etc. This exercise should consider the five principles for sustainable neighbourhood planning: adequate space for streets and an efficient street network, high density, mixed land-use, social mix, and limited land-use specialisation (more information can be found in Additional Resources).
Technical team, the community and relevant stakeholders regarding the selected neighbourhood.
- Validate the neighbourhood boundary and conduct a stakeholder mapping exercise for the neighbourhood scale (T12 Stakeholders' Mapping).
- Review and validate the data gathered and spatial analysis maps for the city scale (Block D Analysis and Diagnostic), highlighting the challenges and opportunities.
- Discuss the city's vision and select specific targets and goals that apply to the Neighbourhood Plan (Strategic Visioning Workshop (Activity 18)).
- Review the results from Block E Strategic Development and Spatial Plan and/or Block F Land Management Plan, specifically the components that apply to the neighbourhood area (e.g. urban development structure and strategic areas, development zones, land strategies, land uses).Design a conceptual scheme for the neighbourhood.
Suggested agenda of a 1-day workshop

An agenda of the workshop should be presented by the team leader and made available for all participants to understand the development of the session. The time, length of each exercise and content are adjustable to the cultural context and the availability of the participants.
08:00 | Registration and breakfast |
08:30 | Opening by the Mayor or the project manager followed by an introduction of each participant |
09:00 | Plenary session: Presentation of the outputs of previous planning activities |
11:30 | Coffee break |
12:00 | Discussion group: Selection of goals and targets |
13:30 | Lunch break |
14:30 | Discussion group: Neighbourhood Conceptual Design |
16:00 | Presentation of the final results of the session |
17:00 | Closing remarks |