Land Strategies

4-6 weeks
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • Socio-spatial inclusionReduce socio-spatial inequalities by promoting the even distribution of basic urban services, quality public spaces, affordable housing, and livelihood opportunities.

Define strategies and initiatives to regulate the territory, according to key territorial systems. Determine the urban structure of the city, strategic areas of urbanisation, and development/functional zones.

  • Map of strategies and initiatives of each territorial system (e.g. green and blue infrastructure, mobility, urban, economic-productive)

  • Map of urban development structure and strategic areas

  • Map of development zones


The Land Management Block starts by identifying the territorial strategies and initiatives that should be undertaken in the city in order to plan for its sustainable development in the long-term vision. This Block and Activity can be either developed building on the results of the previous Block E Strategic Development and Spatial Plan, or independently.

The first step is to define the territorial systems that apply to the city, aligned to thematic areas, such as green and blue infrastructure, mobility, urban, and economic-productive (T63 Land Strategies Guide). Additional ones could include the Cultural system and/or the Risk Reduction system. Then, for each of the systems, a goal or set of goals is defined for the long-term city vision, according to the challenges and opportunities of the city identified in Block D Analysis and Diagnostic

Once the goals are defined, main land strategies and territorial initiatives are identified for each of the systems, which instrumentalize how to achieve each of the goals. Strategies are statements that break down the goals into clearer paths. Initiatives are specific actions, projects, programs, and normative instruments that detail how the strategies can be achieved. For example, the Urban System can entail which areas need to be densified and consolidated and where new areas for urbanisation are needed and proposed, together with the instruments and actions (initiatives) that will lead to those urban development strategies.

The Land Strategies framework includes the territorial systems with strategies and initiatives for each one, plus a consolidated map of spatialised land strategies that bring all of the territorial systems together. Additionally, the initiatives that correspond to key projects are identified to later operationalise them in Phase 3 Operationalisation.

Once the land strategies and initiatives framework is established, the urban development structure and strategic areas are defined. This could have been developed earlier in Block E Strategic Development and Spatial Plan, if the Strategic Development and Spatial Plan was completed. However, if the city is only focusing on the Block F Land Management Plan, it is now the moment to elaborate the Urban Development Structure (Activity 20), which focuses on determining the urban perimeter and the urban, rural, and expansion areas, as well as the conservation, consolidation, and transformation areas. This is followed by the definition of Development Zones (Activity 21) according to the vocational function and the key strategic densities of each sector of the city. This information will be key to define the land use map in the next activity.

This activity is carried out by the technical team based on the main findings from the analysis and diagnosis but should include participatory moments and activities to complement and build this strategic framework, inviting the community/citizenship as well as the steering and Strategies and initiatives resulting from the participatory activities developed previously, as well as the advisory and steering committee.


Part 1

  1. Review the results from Block D Analysis and Diagnostic.
  2. Define the territorial systems that apply to the city, according to the key thematic areas identified in the diagnosis (T63 Land Strategies Guide).
  3. For each of the systems, identify key goals, based on the challenges and opportunities the city phases.
  4. Define the main territorial strategies for each of the systems.
  5. Propose initiatives to implement the strategies proposed. These may focus on certain sub-themes and can entail projects, programs, instruments, etc.
  6. Consolidate the framework of land strategies in a document.

Part 2 (If Block E Strategic Development and Spatial Plan was not developed) 

  1. Review and carry out the Urban Development Structure (Activity 20), following the instructions and tools included.
  2. Review and carry out Development Zones (Activity 21), following the instructions and tools included.