Strategic Projects Workshop

2 weeks
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Identify strategic projects that will allow the vision and strategies to materialise the strategic and spatial components of the Plan. 

  • List of strategic projects

  • Final report of the Strategic and Spatial Development Plan


The definition of strategic and catalytic projects within the Strategic and Spatial Development Plan makes direct linkages between the plan and its implementation. This is a participatory activity that can take place in a workshop, in which the technical team, the advisory committee, the steering committee, and other key stakeholders discuss together what are the strategic projects that align and fulfill the vision. This activity builds on the Formulation of Strategies and Initiatives (Activity 22)  but goes into more detail by defining the most strategic projects. 

First, the participants review and validate the strategy framework developed in the previous activity. Also, participants identify priority areas among the development zones requiring urgent interventions. Strategic projects are relevant interventions and priority actions needed to transform the city. The prioritisation of areas depends on the current trends of development, climate vulnerability, and the available infrastructure. For instance, an area well-connected with the city structure, close to public services, with high vulnerability to floods, and currently under pressure by informal development could be a priority area.

Afterwards, through brainstorming, discussion and mapping, a series of strategic projects that respond to the strategies raised and are located in priority areas are defined. These must be concrete proposals and should solve and respond to more than one goal, i.e., their benefits address various challenges and their implementation is capable of triggering different beneficial processes for the city. During the workshop, projects can be prioritised to identify those that are most urgent.

Subsequently, the technical team systematises the information gathered to establish a list of bank of strategic projects, link them to the objectives, prioritise them and identify potential allies. This list will then be prioritised in the strategic project portfolio in Phase 3 Operationalisation. The project list may consider other categories. An example might be catalytic projects, those that are smaller in scale and can be implemented at lower cost and in a shorter time frame.

Finally, the Strategic and Spatial Development Plan document is consolidated, which integrates all the activities of this Block and their results, including the vision and its spatialisation, and the complete framework of the city’s vision, goals, strategies, lines of action, actions, and list of strategic projects.


  1. Prepare any required material for the session (T7 Workshop Checklist and T32 Strategic Projects Workshop).
  2. Review the results from previous activities such as the analysis and diagnosis, city's profile, the strategic vision and goals, the spatialisation of the strategic vision, and the spatial framework.
  3. Review the constraints, challenges and opportunities, and constraints map, the sustainable development structure and the spatial strategies, and identify priority areas.
  4. In groups, identify, brainstorm and discuss the strategic  projects and priorities aligned to each of the plan's goals (T32 Strategic Projects Workshop).
  5. Map the specific locations where the projects should be implemented, based on the Spatialisation of the Strategic Vision (Activity 19).
  6. The technical team systematises the information and establishes the list of strategic projects, prioritising them according to the participatory voting during the workshop, and their alignment to the goals, strategies and action lines.
  7. Integrate a final report of the Strategic and Spatial Development Plan, including all the components of Block E Strategic Development and Spatial Plan, share it with the advisory committee for validation and publish it as part of the communication and participation strategy.