Spatialisation of the Strategic Vision

2-4 days
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Spatialise the strategic vision by identifying concrete proposals that can be implemented in the territory to contribute to the fulfilment of the vision.

  • Maps of Strategic Development and Spatial Plan and spatialised goals of the vision


The Spatialisation of the Strategic Vision is the first attempt to propose spatial actions in specific areas of the city. The spatialisation is approached by identifying interventions and actions for each of the goals defined in the Strategic Vision, integrating different aspects and strategies identified in the territory in previous activities. 

This activity is elaborated collaboratively between different stakeholders, led and coordinated by the technical team. The description of each goal guides the discussion of how the different components of the natural and built environment should look like in the next 15 years and how the community and the social relations will be impacted by the proposed interventions. Elements such as the natural areas, the public space network, the housing opportunities, the economic level, the public transport systems, the institutional capacity for urban management, etc. are aspects to cover. This activity should also be supported by statistical projections, including demographic and climate projections, economic vision and feasible financial resources, and/or a hypothetical timeline of events that would lead to the fulfilment of each goal. This activity will consolidate the strategic component of the Plan.

  1. Review all the information, data, and outputs from previous activities, (Specially Strategic Visioning Workshop (Activity 18)) including Block D Analysis and Diagnosis.
  2. Divide participants into smaller groups, each one focusing on one of the goals established in the Strategic Vision (T27 Spatialisation of the Strategic Vision Workshop).
  3. Discuss and brainstorm a list of actions and projects for each goal.
  4. Spatialise and map all the proposed interventions in the territory.
  5. Review the results and consolidate the final maps.