Presentation and validation of results (Strategic Development and Spatial Plan)

1 day
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Present and validate the Strategic and Spatial Development Plan to the entire community, inviting the public to provide feedback.

  • Validation of the Strategic Development Plan


The content of the Strategic Development Plan lays the foundation for what is to be done. The process of validating it can be an opportunity to align the different expectations that stakeholders have of their city for the coming years and to give the opportunity to different actors to see how they can contribute to the implementation of the Plan. With this in mind, it will be of great importance to show the results of all the content that was elaborated in this block, it is also important to evidence those processes that were participatory, but also to show that the process does include a participatory component. Socialisation, consultation and involvement can be done at the same time, using the T41 Citizen Engagement Guide.
This is an example of how the presentation and validation of results can be structured using the guide:
A one-day activation (which can be replicated in different parts of the city) consisting of the pedestrianisation of a little-traveled road, as a demonstration of the action to increase the quality of public space, together with an open-air exhibition showing the results of the plan. In this same activation, a big "malón" can take place where people discuss with each other their opinions about this experience and what is proposed in the exhibition. They are then invited to vote for those projects that they consider to be the most important and have the greatest impact, as well as suggesting projects.

Regardless of whether it is in the team's plans to carry out only this plan or the other plans, it is important to document the activities and the participation that took place. It is also important for the team to grow the database of those who want to be aware of the process. 

Consideration: It may be the case in some cities where the law requires a process of validation and consultation with neighbours. However, it is considered appropriate in those cities where it is not a requirement of the planning process, to make the effort to carry out the three components of the guide (socialise, consult, or validate).
  1. Determine the content that requires validation and that which will give context to what will be validated in this activity.
  2. Using T41 Citizen Engagement Guide and the results of T13 Participation Plan Guide, determine the activities that are best suited to the content to be presented.
  3. Convene as outlined in the Communication Strategy (Activity 10) and the database collected from the Public Launch of the Planning Process (Activity 11)
  4. Carry out the activities set out in step 2.
  5. Document the results of the activities in a report.
  6. Remind participants of the following appointments and next steps.
  7. If needed, share the team's contact information with new interested stakeholders. 
  8. Review the inputs from this activity and incorporate them into the Strategic Development Plan.