Public Launch of the Planning Process

1 day
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Communicate the start of the urban planning process to the entire community, inviting the public to engage and participate actively. It aims to share with the civil society the intention of the project team and the local government.

  • Project launch


The launching session is the first main event of the communication strategy. The team presents the main objective of the urban planning process, the expected outcomes, the work plan and the next steps of engagement. The steering committee, the advisory committee, and the project team are also introduced to the public. The public launch may be an opportunity to engage with other stakeholders and mobilise any missing human or financial resources useful for the project.

Once the project is presented, an open discussion could be facilitated to gather ideas and concerns from the public. This can result in including additional stakeholders in the committees or mapping new participatory activities. The comments and suggestions of the public must be taken into consideration especially if they raise any potential challenge or opportunity for the project. This shows the intention of developing an inclusive planning process that starts from the community's needs.   

  1. Schedule the session and book a location adequate to host the entire community (T7 Workshop Checklist).
  2. Communicate the event in advance and through different channels and media, established in the Communication Strategy (Activity 10).
  3. Prepare a brief presentation to introduce the project using clear and simple language.
  4. Register the participants to create a mailing list for future communications.
  5. Appoint a person to present the project and facilitate the session (involve the steering and advisory committee).
  6. Facilitate the questions and interventions, stimulating dialogue.
  7. Take notes of key points of discussion and capture pictures of the ongoing session, for reporting purposes.
  8. Before closing the session, remind participants of the following appointments and share the official communication channels.