Guiding Document

2 weeks
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Define the objective and scope for the planning process, the responsibilities of the project team and partners, the expected deliverables, the work plan and the project's budget.

  • Project guiding document (Terms of Reference / Project Document)


A guiding document describing the main objective and the expected accomplishments of the planning process is developed based on the outputs of Block A Contextualisation. This document is also called Terms of Reference (ToR). It may have different components and levels of detail depending on the expectations of the partners and the local government, and the capacities of the project team. It can include the project justification, the context and background, the project's objective, the team members' expertise and responsibilities, the deliverables, the intended participation strategy, the planning process activities, the work plan, and the budget. Further information can be incorporated as annexes.

The guiding document represents the contract agreement with the stakeholders. To develop the document, the content is first discussed in a series of meetings with the local government and other key potential stakeholders. As a last step, the team will assess the project risks using the T10 Environmental and Social Screening Report Template for the urban planning process, to be annexed to the guiding document. Then, the preliminary technical team consolidates a first draft that is shared with the local government for their revision and feedback. Once the document is refined and validated, all the parties involved in the planning process sign the contract.

  1. Review the outputs of Block A Contextualisation, particularly the legal and institutional framework, the available budget and the preliminary work plan.
  2. Organise a brainstorming and discussion session with the local government and, if needed, with key potential partners and stakeholders.
  3. Draft a first version of the document and any required annexes (T9 Guiding Document Template).
  4. Fill T10 Environmental and Social Screening Report Template for the planning process and annex to the Guiding Document.
  5. Share it with the local government to gather their feedback and comments.
  6. Revise the document and incorporate any changes.
  7. Validate the final document and have it signed by all the parties.