Environmental and Social Development Impact Plan for the Planning Process

3 days
Toolbox Themes
  • Climate actionIncorporate an approach to efficiently streamline the city's disaster risk preparedness, combat climate change and its impacts and integrate disaster risk reduction and climate adaptation measures into urban planning processes, strengthening the city's overall resilience to natural hazards.
  • Socio-spatial inclusionReduce socio-spatial inequalities by promoting the even distribution of basic urban services, quality public spaces, affordable housing, and livelihood opportunities.

Develop a simplified plan to monitor the environmental and social risks of the urban planning process and activities.

  • Environmental and Social Development Impact Plan (DIP) for the Planning Process


The Development Impact Plan (DIP) is part of the UN-Habitat’s Environmental and Social Safeguard System (ESSS), aligned with the safeguard system used by many international organisations, foundations, and donors. The ESSS includes a series of activities to ensure that a robust risk and impact assessment, management and monitoring process is implemented throughout the lifecycle of different projects, including design projects and territorial plans. This safeguard system is aimed at predicting and anticipating any adverse effects that projects could have on the environment and the people both during its development and during its implementation in such a way that measures can be identified to address the effects in a timely and adequate way.

According to the results of the Screening Report, the DIP is recommended for projects of low or no risk - these are non-operational projects such as “urban planning processes”. Typically, the urban planning activities do not entail physical/infrastructure interventions, however the activities as field mission, consultations, and data gathering may lead to environmental and social impacts or risks that need to be considered. Therefore, the preparation of a DIP is prescribed to assess possible future impacts/risks and to lay the groundwork for monitoring. Other specifications for E&S tasks may include E&S monitoring, management plans or the execution of a new screening assessment for the follow-up project.  

  1. Review the Guiding Document (Activity 5) and T10 Environmental and Social Screening Report Template.
  2. Fill T11 Environmental and Social Development Impact Plan (DIP) Template for the city planning process with the minimal content:
    1. Activities to be undertaken in the urban planning process of your city/neighbourhood
    2. Risk of each activity
    3. Timeline of the activities
    4. Means of monitoring
  3. If necessary, review and adjust the work plan and budget in the Guiding Document (Activity 5).
  4. Share the finalised DIP of the Planning Process with the municipality’s sector responsible for the City Plan to review and approve.