
1 - 2 week
Toolbox Themes
  • Socio-spatial inclusionReduce socio-spatial inequalities by promoting the even distribution of basic urban services, quality public spaces, affordable housing, and livelihood opportunities.

Identify the city's key constraints, opportunities and spatial structure.

  • Constraints map

  • Suitability map

  • Spatial challenges/opportunity map

  • Diagnostic report / City Profile report


The diagnostic activity builds on the analysis report and the feedback gathered in the Analysis Validation and Diagnostic Workshop (Activity 15). It concludes the assessment phase by defining the key topics, main findings from data collection, thematic maps, challenges, and opportunities that the plan should address, and consolidating them in a diagnostic or a city profile report.

The technical team reviews the outputs of the previous activities, particularly the spatial analysis maps and the participatory maps of constraints and opportunities compiled during the workshop. The team lists the main issues found and writes a brief description of each.  In the following phase, each of these issues will respond to a strategy of the plan. Then, a constraints map is produced by localising the challenges (climate-related and non climate-related challenges) and mapping the most critical features of the city that require prioritised intervention. (For example: high-exposed neighbourhoods to sea level rise, communities with high levels of overcrowding, areas with poor public spaces, among others). This is the first output of the diagnosis and it is the starting point to structure the strategic spatial plan. 

The second output is the suitability map. This identifies the suitable areas for urban development and expansion (T19 Urban Expansion Projections). A map of the city is overlapped with all the areas that require conservation and protection (agricultural land, wetlands, natural reserved areas, water bodies, and their buffer zones) and buildable areas that are not threatened by any natural hazards or human issues are identified. These are the zones where the projected population can be potentially accommodated. 

The third output is a spatial challenges or opportunity map. This is based on the S.W.O.T analysis (T21 S.W.O.T. Analysis) and the Analysis (Activity 14). The challenges of the city are discussed and mapped on a single map, while identifying areas of opportunity for future development and urban regeneration.

Once the constraints, suitability, and challenges/opportunity maps are completed, it is important to validate the results with the advisory and the steering committee. A validation meeting can be organised to discuss and review specific aspects of the maps. Finally, all the Block D Analysis and Diagnosis components and results are integrated into a Diagnostic or City Profile report.

  1. Review and discuss the spatial analysis maps and the outputs of the Analysis Validation and Diagnostic Workshop (Activity 15).
  2. Make a list of the key challenges and opportunities to be addressed in the plan.
  3. Consolidate maps and key information collected during the desk and field research.
  4. Follow T23 Constraints, Challenges and Opportunity, and Suitability Maps to produce the maps.
  5. Conduct a validation meeting with the steering committee and the advisory committee.
  6. Compile a final report of the assessment phase in a diagnostic or a city profile report.
  7. Share the final report with the committees and publish it on the municipality or planning process website.