Block C — Participation Set-up

Setting-up an inclusive participation framework is the core of the Our City Plans Toolbox. This Block aims to define the stakeholders involved, the institutional mechanisms and committees, establish the participatory process and activities regarding technical consultations and community participation, and set a communication strategy for the urban planning process to be successful.

Creating the structures and conditions for participatory planning processes promotes transparency and enables the involvement of diverse stakeholders in shaping the city, neighbourhoods and communities. It also contributes to strengthen democracy and supports the fulfilment of SGD 16: Peace, Justice, and Strong Institutions. 

Moreover, participation reduces conflicts between the local government and stakeholders with different interests, strengthens public-private partnerships, facilitates the public approval of the plan, and promotes active and empowered citizenship and knowledge exchange. However, there are different levels of participation: informing, consulting, validating, collaborating, co-creating, and decision-making. Our City Plans aims to include all levels and to work collaboratively between government, civil society, private sector, and academia, to set common goals and priorities and develop a plan that responds to community needs.