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Evaluation of the Plan’s Projects and Actions

Variable Time
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.
  • Sustainable Urban MobilityCreate a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that builds efficient and accessible transport systems to meet people’s mobility needs and support a more connected city.

Develop mechanisms to monitor, evaluate and report on the progress of the plan and projects, in order to create accountability frameworks and assess impact.

  • Implementation monitoring matrix, through indicators

  • Implementation performance evaluation reports

  • Environmental and social impact monitoring matrix


Monitoring and evaluation is a continuous exercise to assess the performance of the plan's objectives, strategies and projects. In this activity, the technical team will develop a matrix to continuously monitor, evaluate and report on the plan's phases, development, implementation and impact of projects.

First, the Monitoring and Evaluation Strategy (Activity 50) is reviewed and implemented. This will define the indicators to be measured and to evaluate the plan progress. For each initiative, the technical team has already assigned its indicators, with their corresponding dates, milestones and frequency of measurement and evaluation. Therefore, this activity focuses on the development of the monitoring and evaluation reports during the implementation of the plan.

In turn, it is essential to keep a record and monitor the process in order to make evaluation reports during the implementation process. In some cases, it may be necessary to report performance on some indicators to external funding sources or to agencies overseeing the process. Therefore, regardless of whether this is the case, reporting is highly recommended in order to make the process more transparent and to improve engagement strategies with stakeholders and the community.

In continuity with the Environmental and Social Impact Strategy for the City (Activity 24) or for the Neighbourhood Plan (Environmental and Social Impact Strategy for the Neighbourhood Plan (Activity 35)) it is recommended to use the T58 Environmental and Social Impact Monitoring Matrix. Using this matrix complements the Environmental and Social Management Plan (ESMP) which should have been developed as part of the content of the T31 Environmental and Social Action Plan Template or the T66 Environmental and Social Impact Assessment (ESIA)

It is recommended to use this matrix to be able to track the identified environmental and social impacts, as well as their mitigation measures, monitoring indicators, frequency of measurement and those responsible for the process. The matrix also includes a section to monitor compliance with legal and regulatory requirements at different scales, including the national and local scales which were previously identified in the Legal Instruments (Activity 45).

  1. Review and implement the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (Activity 49), which defines the indicators to be measured, the calculation needed to evaluate it, and the team or institution responsible for measuring it. 
  2. Follow the calendar with dates, milestones and frequency of measurement and evaluation of the indicators set out in the Monitoring and Evaluation Framework (Activity 49).
  3. Keep a record of the whole process in order to be able to make several evaluation reports during the whole implementation process.
  4. Based on the information in the Environmental and Social Management Plan of the ESAP or ESIA developed under the Environmental and Social Impact Strategy for the City Plan (Activity 22) or for the Neighborhood Plan (Environmental and Social Impact Strategy for the Neighbourhood Plan (Activity 35)), complete the T58 Environmental and Social Impact Monitoring Matrix.