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Socialisation, Feedback and Learning Mechanisms

1 week
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.
  • Sustainable Urban MobilityCreate a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that builds efficient and accessible transport systems to meet people’s mobility needs and support a more connected city.

Develop and establish mechanisms to ensure the sustainability of the planning process, such as advocacy measures and mechanisms for stakeholder and community feedback.

  • Communication strategy for the implementation process of the plan, which could include a public participation website, project brochures/flyers, interactive social media account, events, etc.


Stakeholder participation and feedback, especially from the community, are essential at any stage of the urban planning process, including implementation.

This activity defines a strategy for collecting opinions, suggestions and complaints from citizens and stakeholders involved in the implementation of the plan’s projects and actions. Through T59 Feedback Strategy, one-way and two-way communication channels will be detailed for all the actors involved in the process, and the frequency of communication by the implementing team will be specified, as well as all the characteristics (means, capacities, people in charge) that make up these actions. In this way, a greater commitment is achieved involving all the actors, while at the same time generating a greater sense of belonging and involvement in the process on the part of the community.

Finally, it is not only enough to listen to all the actors involved, with special attention to the opinion of the community, but it will also be necessary to gather their opinions and make efforts to resolve their doubts, concerns and suggestions. Ensuring two-way communication will reinforce the sustainability and acceptance of the projects, while at the same time it will serve as learning for the executing and technical team in terms of feedback, performance of their professional activity and possible adaptations to future plans, processes and projects.

  1. Define the communication strategy for the plan implementation process, using the T59 Feedback Strategy to detail the communication channels to be used with the different stakeholders and especially with the community.
  2. Gather opinions, suggestions and concerns, and make efforts to resolve them.
  3. Discuss at the end of the process the lessons learned from this communication and how to improve future processes or projects through this feedback.