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Project Management

1 week
Toolbox Themes
  • Sustainable Urban MobilityCreate a Sustainable Urban Mobility Plan that builds efficient and accessible transport systems to meet people’s mobility needs and support a more connected city.

Establish all the necessary actions to implement the plan's projects. Organise an initial meeting to coordinate with the different projects and initiatives and create synergies in the area of work.

  • Definition of the implementation team

  • Tasks, list of relevant projects and coordinating bodies

  • Kick-off meeting


The management and coordination of the different projects are of fundamental importance for their successful implementation. Therefore, this activity focuses on ensuring that all the actions necessary for the start-up of the projects are known and have a team responsible for each of them. Some of these actions may include coordination with partners, departments, agencies, and institutions and their specific tasks. The lead for the project management process will be the local government or the competent governmental authority depending on the context. It will be in charge of convening and mobilising the actors involved in the implementation process of the plan and bringing together all the institutions that were assigned in the Development of Strategic Project Sheets (Activity 41) as responsible entities.

The activity starts with a kick-off meeting in which all available human resources and their technical and professional capacities are analysed. For this purpose, it is recommended to go back to the results of the Action Plan (Activity 47) and the Development of Strategic Project Sheets (Activity 41) and review the projects as well as other relevant and necessary tasks for the start-up of the implementation of the projects. In order to have efficient and detailed management, responsibilities are assigned in the form of tasks or projects with their corresponding coordinating bodies. An executing team is defined, in which each member/ institution will have clear responsibilities, functions, and coordination dynamics with the rest of the members of this and other project teams. This last point is fundamental, as it will be important to look for mechanisms to generate synergies between teams that facilitate cross-cutting dynamics in the form of regular meetings or other means of communication.

At the same time, the kick-off meeting is also used to plan the management of the stakeholders involved in each of the projects, as their collaboration and cooperation are very important throughout the process, including the implementation phase. Therefore, different strategies and documentation, such as memorandums of understanding and other instruments defined in Governance and Management Instruments (Activity 46), are evaluated in order to establish the necessary agreements with departments, agencies and institutions. The steering and advisory committees will also have responsibilities in the implementation process. Thus, these responsibilities include regular consultation at a frequency to be determined, promotion and socialisation of the plan and projects, as well as active participation in monitoring and follow-up strategies for project implementation.

The kick-off meeting and start of the process finalises with a clear definition of the people who make up the implementation team, their responsibilities associated with the projects and tasks necessary for the implementation of the plan and the management strategy of the actors involved in each of the projects.

  1. Initiate coordination kick-off meeting(s).
  2. Review available human resources and their technical and professional capacities. 
  3. Review the results of the Action Plan (Activity 47) and the Development of Strategic Project Sheets (Activity 41)  and list the projects and tasks needed to implement the projects in the plan.
  4. Assign responsibilities and define the implementation team. At the same time, jointly seek mechanisms to generate synergies between teams.
  5. Planning of the coordination with stakeholders involved in each project, assessing the different strategies and documentation to be carried out for each of them, such as memorandum of understanding and agreements.
  6. End the meeting(s) with a definition of the implementing team, its responsibilities and a coordination strategy with the actors involved in each project.