Presentation and Validation of Results (Project Prioritisation)

Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Workshop to present and validate  the results from the prioritisation and programming of projects with different stakeholders

  • Validation of project programming

  • Receive feedback from experts and key stakeholders to consolidate the strategic project portfolio


This activity is composed of two moments, the first will be a full-day internal collaborative validation session. The second moment should be customised in terms of format and timing; it should cater to different segments of the general public -without losing sight of each project's vision, strategies and objectives. It will also depend on the type of role or level of participation desired from the general public.

The internal validation session is a workshop format with the various stakeholders who were part of the Participatory Prioritisation Workshop (Activity 38). This exercise aims to reinforce the collaborative process between the parties involved, resulting in ownership of the plan by all stakeholders, making them "champions" of the strategic project portfolio. The objective of this session is also to ensure that the expectations of the process, outcome and impact of each project are aligned among the different stakeholders. If necessary, the session can be extended to two days, depending on the complexity of the context, the time availability of the participants and the capacity of the technical team.

Using the T7 Workshop Checklist as a guide, the team will lead the workshop session. This should consist of a detailed presentation of the prioritised project portfolio. Then, the team will confirm with everyone whether the process, outcome and impact expectations of each project are met. Finally, for each project, the responsible and co-responsible entities will be verified.  
In the second moment, the team will use the T41 Citizen Engagement Guide, and use this activity as an opportunity for different civil society groups to be strategic stakeholders or better yet, Champions of one or several projects. This requires socialisation, consultation and involvement. At this point, it is very important for the team to be open to possible differences of opinion regarding the process, outcome and impact of each project. It is very important from this point onwards to maintain assertive communication and to manage the expectations of those who will be impacted by one or more projects. 

As with the stakeholders, for each project the team should identify which civil society groups can be Champions of specific projects or of the project portfolio in general. These groups should be aware of the implementation process and even assume certain responsibilities for the effective implementation of the project portfolio.

Consideration: It may be the case in some cities where a process of validation and consultation with neighbours is required by law. However, it is considered appropriate in those cities where it is not a requirement of the planning process to make the effort to carry out one of the three components of the guide (socialise, consult or validate).

Moment 1

  1. Prepare the workshop and required materials using the T7 Workshop Checklist.
  2. Invite participants to validate the project portfolio (process, outcome and impact) and validate expectations. 
  3. Facilitate a discussion with the results to reach a consensus.
  4. For each project, verify the main responsible actor and other proposed co-responsible entities, generating consensus and commitment of the actors involved.
  5. Systematise information (technical team).

Moment 2 (Plan to present results to civil society)

  1. Determine the content that requires validation and all information that will give context to what will be validated in this activity.
  2. Using T41 Citizen Engagement Guide and the results of T13 Participation Plan Guide, determine the activities that are best suited to the content to be presented.
  3. Convene as outlined in the Communication Strategy (Activity 10) and the database collected from the Public Launch of the planning process (Activity 11)
  4. Carry out the activities set out in step 2.
  5. Document the results of the activities in a report.
  6. Remind participants of the next activities and next steps.
  7. If necessary, share the team's contact information with the new stakeholders involved.  
  8. Review inputs and incorporate them into the Strategic Development and Spatial Plan.