Presentation and Validation of Results (Action Plan)

1 week
Participatory Activity
Toolbox Themes
  • ParticipationInclude diverse stakeholders, sectors, and perspectives to improve and make more inclusive the urban planning process and results.

Workshop to gather input from the different actors involved regarding the instruments that will operationalise the project portfolio.

  • Validation of the Action Plan


The presentation and validation of the Action Plan will be a workshop with the different actors and teams that were part of the formulation of the Block I Instruments. This exercise seeks to reinforce the collaborative process between the parties involved, achieving as a result an appropriation of the plan by all those involved, going from being "actors" to "promoters" of the Action Plan. The objective of this session is also to ensure that the responsibility and co-responsibility, system of action, timeline, financial, regulatory and land management instruments of each project are aligned among the different stakeholders. If necessary, the session can be extended to two days, depending on the complexity of the context, the time availability of the participants and the capacity of the technical team.

Using the T41 Development of Strategic Project Sheets and T7 Workshop Checklist as a guide, the team will lead the workshop session. This should consist of a detailed presentation of the action plan matrix. Then, the team will confirm with everyone whether responsibility and co-responsibility, system of action, timeline, financial, regulatory and land management instruments of each project are met. 

Once this validation is in place, the team together with the project responsibles and co-responsibles  can go to different entities to find partnerships, establish committees  for the implementation of each priority project.

Consideration: It may be the case in some cities where a process of validation and consultation with neighbours is required by law. However, in those cities where it is not a requirement of the planning process, it is considered appropriate to make the effort to carry out one of the three components of the guide (socialise, consult or validate).
  1. Design the session and required materials using the T41 Citizen Engagement Guide and T7 Workshop Checklist.
  2. Invite participants to validate the action plan matrix and validate expectations. 
  3. Facilitate a discussion with the results to reach a consensus.
  4. For each project, rectify the main responsible institution and other proposed co-responsible institution(s), generating consensus and commitment of the actors involved.
  5. Systematise the information (technical team).