Development of Strategic Project Sheets

4 weeks

Develop the necessary information for the implementation of strategic projects, in terms of technical approach and feasibility.

  • Strategic project fact sheets, which include key information for the development of the project


This activity is based on the pre-feasibility study carried out in the Project Preparation (Activity 37). It involves the elaboration of technical and economic studies that go in depth on each of the projects that make up the project portfolio. This means that only for those projects, from the predefined list in E23, that have a high level of certainty in terms of execution will have the studies mentioned. 

The sheet expands in detail on the project's strategy and technical solution, as well as its more specific components and activities. It also elaborates on its objectives and benefits in terms of technical, social, economic, environmental, climate change mitigation or adaptation and specifies costs. It also includes a cost-benefit analysis, which is carried out to ensure that the project is feasible. In case the costs are higher than the benefits, the project will have to be adjusted or reconsidered. However, it is quite possible that this can be avoided by following the above steps of project preparation and prioritisation.

Using the T47 Strategic Project Sheet Template as a guide, all information is captured in a technical sheet template for each strategic project, including also its location, alignment with objectives and strategies, responsible and co-responsible bodies, beneficiaries, linkage with existing initiatives, conceptual design or target image, and additional requirements.

  1. Review the consolidated information relevant to each of the projects that were defined in Project Preparation (Activity 37).
  2. Review the information required to prepare the project sheet and consolidate the information you already have from previous activities. Use the T47 Strategic Project Sheet Template as a guide.
  3. Define the specific objectives of each project in technical, social, economic and environmental/climate change terms. 
  4. Develop the project strategy, its components and, if possible, the activities involved.
  5. Develop the conceptual design of the project if possible, to better detail its components and spatial characteristics. This information can have different levels of detail depending on the resources available, from a schematic plan, a target image, to a preliminary technical dossier (pre-project).
  6. Identify whether any additional requirements are necessary for the implementation of the project (e.g. an environmental impact study, the formation of a committee, etc.).
  7. Determine project costs from a more detailed budget, considering technical requirements and components.
  8. Carry out a cost-benefit analysis.
  9. Consolidate each project´s information in a strategic project sheet.