Our City Plans Central America in the Regional Program for Post-pandemic Recovery


As part of the Regional Program for Post-pandemic Recovery and the Implementation of the New Urban Agenda in Central America and the Dominican Republic, capacity-building sessions have been implemented aimed to provide tailored advisory services to small municipalities in Central America.

Our City Plans team participated in the sessions with the municipality of Soyapango in El Salvador, that received technical guidance concerning urban development, climate change, and Nature-based Solutions, and the municipality of Quimistán in Honduras, that received advice focused on zoning, inclusive urban expansion, and disaster risk reduction.

During both sessions, participants were introduced to diverse tools and methodologies from UN-Habitat, including "Our City Plans Central America", with the objective of showcasing its practicality and implementation potential. As part of the outputs, the goal will be to jointly revise how the platform's activities and tools could be effectively implemented to facilitate the urban planning process of each municipality, considering their unique contexts and technical skills.

Furthermore, the municipality of La Palma, El Salvador expressed their growing influx of tourism and interest on finding ways to solve its highly coveted public space. This could be translated into the definition of Sectorial Plans, such as mobility and public space. In order to be able to work on these plans it was suggested to develop first a Strategic Development Plan, in which a Vision and clear project portfolio would allow them to acquire finance for both sectorial plans.


Sustainable Tourism and Green Growth for Heritage Settlements of Kathmandu Valley


The project supported to the preparation of the Municipal Planning Guideline for the rapidly urbanising municipalities in Kathmandu Valley, which have valuable cultural heritage and immense potential for promoting sustainable tourism. The municipality-wide Guideline was based on the already existing normative knowledge products prepared by UN-Habitat HQ (Our City Plan and Urban Planning for City Leaders), which are customised/localised to guide the planning of the heritage settlements in Kathmandu Valley.

Launch and training session of Our City Plans Central America


¡3, 2, 1...! The launching of the digital platform of Our City Plans Centroamerica took place on May 2nd with the Secretariat for Central American Social Integration (SISCA) in Belize City. This platform is part of the Central America and Dominican Republic Capacity Building program, within the framework of the host country's Pro Tempore Presidency of the Central American Council on Housing and Human Settlements (CCVAH).

Plaza Huincul Municipal Development Plan


UN-Habitat developed the project "Development of sustainable and resilient cities and communities in Neuquen Argentine Province", together with the Secretariat of Planning and Action for Development (COPADE) of the Government of the Province of Neuquén and financed by the Federal Investment Council of the Argentine Republic (CFI). The project included different products elaborated in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and UN Women.

El Huecú Municipal Development Plan


UN-Habitat developed the project "Development of sustainable and resilient cities and communities in Neuquen Argentine Province", together with the Secretariat of Planning and Action for Development (COPADE) of the Government of the Province of Neuquén and financed by the Federal Investment Council of the Argentine Republic (CFI). The project included different products elaborated in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and UN Women.

Las Lajas Municipal Development Plan


UN-Habitat developed the project "Development of sustainable and resilient cities and communities in Neuquen Argentine Province", together with the Secretariat of Planning and Action for Development (COPADE) of the Government of the Province of Neuquén and financed by the Federal Investment Council of the Argentine Republic (CFI). The project included different products elaborated in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) and UN Women.

Future Saudi Cities Programme

The kingdom of Saudi Arabia is witnessing rapidly growing urbanisation due to the country's demographic, social and economic growth that, increased the number of cities to reach 285 in the year 2030. The Future Saudi Cities Programme was a joint programme developed by the Saudi Ministry of Municipal and Rural Affairs (MoMRA) and UN-Habitat, implemented in close cooperation with the municipalities of 17 major Saudi cities.

Urban development initiative (UrDI) for the Canaan area of Port-au-Prince

The Urban Development Initiative (UrDI) presents a thorough analysis and recommended action for land use and sustainable urban development in Canaan I. The development of this product has been done using a participatory approach led by UN-Habitat with the Canaan community and other stakeholders, the process involved people through multiple workshops and participatory activities. The project describes the situation in Canaan and provides a list of proposed spatial interventions developed in collaboration with the Canaan I community. In addition, a future land use plan was drafted in order to introduce and enhance sustainable urban development in Canaan. 

San Nicolas de los Garza 2030 City Vision


In 2019, within the context of the update of the Municipal Urban Development Program, the Municipality of San Nicolás de los Garza sought the opportunity of incorporating the Sustainable Development Goals in its metropolitan development instruments and urban planning processes. The municipality, through the Technical Secretariat and the Directorate of Strategic Projects, sought collaboration with UN-Habitat to develop a city vision with a long-term perspective, aligned to the principles of the New Urban Agenda and the 2030 Agenda.