El Huecú Municipal Development Plan

El Huecú


UN-Habitat started the implementation of the project "Development of sustainable and resilient cities and communities in Neuquen Argentine Province", together with the Secretariat of Planning and Action for Development (COPADE) of the Government of the Province of Neuquén and financed by the Federal Investment Council of the Argentine Republic (CFI). 

The project includes different products and is done in collaboration with the United Nations Office for Project Services (UNOPS) in charge of strengthening the different institutions in the implementation of Decree 1320/21 on the promotion of public works with sustainability criteria; and UN Women, responsible for implementing the costing methodology for care infrastructure at the local level and the training program to mainstream the gender perspective and intersectionality in the public works cycle.

UN-Habitat focuses on products related to capacity building, public space, and the development of four territorial development plans using Our City Plans methodology for the municipalities of Las Lajas, Plaza Huincul, El Huecú and Aluminé.

Context and background 

The province of Neuquen is located in the northeast of Patagonia region, and has 726, 590 inhabitants. El Huecú belongs to the Ñorquin department. It is located next to El Huecú River and has a population of 1,391 people, from which 24.7% are indigenous or belong to originary towns. 

Plan and process using Our City Plans

The planning process will use Our City Plans Central America toolbox as a guide, including participatory activities and workshops with the community, local officials, and other relevant actores. The aim is to develop an urban and territorial development plan that focuses on the main challenges and opportunities of this municipality. It will define a future vision for El Huecú, and include the definition of strategic development zones, goals and strategies, and a portfolio of strategic projects.

El Huecú
Project Duration
10 months
Team Members Involved
Project/Plan Stage
In process
Organisations In Charge
International Organisation
Secretaría de Planificación y Acción para el Desarrollo (COPADE) del Gobierno de la Provincia del Neuquén, Consejo Federal de Inversiones de la República Argentina (CFI)