Traditional house, São Tomé - UN-Habitat

The Sustainable Urban Development Framework for the Island of Sao Tome (Sao Tome 2030) was developed between 2019 and 2020, it aims to provide a guide for an inclusive, sustainable and resilient urban development of the Island of Sao Tome. The work was built upon the Memorandum of Understanding signed between the Government of São Tomé and Príncipe, the Municipality of Água Grande and UN-Habitat, with a focus on the engagement and active participation of the most diverse governmental actors, the private sector and civil society, in order to better reflect both the problems faced on the island and the possible solutions.
Context and background
The island of Sao Tome is more than 90% of the total surface of the country, it has 6 districts and 11 settlements of greater significance mostly of commercial, agricultural, fishing or tourist nature. The majority of the population is urban, with great variation among the settlements. After the independence gained in 1975, Sao Tome and Principe has faced numerous difficulties as a young state. In addition to economic issues, there is a serious shortage of specialised human resources: difficulties in access to adequate housing, public services, basic infrastructure, governance and implementation of plans and regulations, among others.
Plan and process
Sao Tome 2030 aimed to strengthen the institutional capacity of district chambers in participatory planning and spatial planning, ensuring the financing of sustainable development through innovative foreign policy and recuperate and create modern and resilient infrastructures with emphasis on sanitation, renewable energy and connectivity with the Príncipe autonomous region and the world. The project is based on the deepening and development of eleven points that touch different thematic areas from an environmental, social and economical point of view.
The intention was to take care of the environment through the preservation of the ecosystem and attention to the prevention of climate changes, considering also the impact that the economy could have on the social field promoting a blue and green economy and sustainable tourism for a positive development and preservation of natural cultural spaces. Another goal was also to guarantee to the entire population gender equality, freedom of expression, right to health as well as education and social protection. The plan aimed to provide support for the government to help them in the adoption of policies of participation and information, promoting training for employment opportunities, and valuing the local resources.
Resource for the development of Our City Plans
The plan for Sao Tome 2030 was structured to be implemented in phases and incrementally. This way, it was possible to carry out long term objectives and keep in mind the final vision while simultaneously prioritising short term objectives to solve more urgent issues.
UN-Habitat’s collaboration allowed a closer look at the plan and its development, turning it into a good example and base of knowledge for the Our City Plans methodology. The Sao Tome 2030 plan also foresaw an attempt of more active participation and engagement of actors from the government, the private sector, and the local community, in order to better address the issues and the possible solutions. The participatory component was a valuable resource too during the development of Our CIty Plans.
The first workshop was carried out in person in August 2019. It consisted of a five-day session to elaborate the tools for the Strategic Plan and to collect data for the Spatial Plan for the Urban Development of the City of Sao Tome. The participatory workshop gathered and consulted city officials, experts, and other key stakeholders in order to determine main issues regarding the city, from which a shared vision for the city to be met until 2030 was defined. The vision is supported by 11 goals that were jointly elaborated in the workshop, and associated targets and indicators that serve as the implementation and monitoring platform for the plan. Finally, participants listed and mapped the existing and proposed projects related to each one of the defined targets.