Our City Plans was launched at WUF11 in Katowice!

Our City Plans digital platform was launched at the Eleventh Edition of the World Urban Forum

3, 2, 1...! Our City Plans digital platform was launched at the Eleventh Edition of the World Urban Forum (WUF11), the premier global conference on urban issues organized by UN-Habitat. The forum took place in the city of Katowice, Poland, between June 26th and 30th. The event was a great success, held on the Arena stage of the Expo Pavilion on June 28th. With more than a hundred attendees, the team shared a demonstration of the digital platform and its features, including the interactive toolbox and global planning experiences. Afterwards, participants did not miss the opportunity to test and navigate the platform and interact with the team, sharing their feedback, its potential use in different cities, and kickstarting new collaborations. The success of the platform was immediately clear: we have registered around 400 new user visits and 4,600 views from 67 different countries in the past weeks.

Viewers looking at Our City Plans digital platform at the World Urban Forum

One of the most downloaded publication by UN-Habitat has now become digital and accessible to everyone; this is an important step to move towards a large-scale adoption and implementation of sustainable and inclusive planning processes in small and intermediate cities. The digital format allows for a more user-friendly and flexible approach that can be adapted to the local context and challenges of cities, as well as to the planning objectives and available resources.

The platform’s evolution will be based on the involvement, feedback and interaction with users. The goal is that it becomes a space for knowledge exchange and community building, in which cities around the world come together to share experiences on how to implement participatory planning processes.

That is why the surprises are not over!

We are working on a questionnaire that allows users to customize the toolbox according to their needs. The structure and questions will guide teams around the world to select their priorities and objectives and follow a planning process that adapts to their context.

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View the recording of Our City plans digital platform launch at WUF 11(Starting at 3:03h)