Capacity-building initiative for Brazilian Northeast Cities

Capacity-building initiative for Brazilian Northeast Cities

UN-Habitat Brazil is implementing a project that aims to improve municipal, institutional and technical capacities on sustainable territorial and urban development. The course is organised in 4 training modules and addresses 52 intermediary cities prioritized by SUDENE (Superintendence for the Development of the Northeast).  
The incremental and participatory toolbox Our City Plans was presented as part of the module "Urban and Regional Planning” that aims to strengthen the municipal capacity for implementing sustainable urban development and supporting the collective construction of better cities for the present and future generations. 

The training had more than 50 participants from diverse professional fields, such as public managers, decision-makers, stakeholders in general, and technical staff. They are all involved in urban planning and public policy and came from different cities from northeast Brazil.

Our City Plans team provided an overview of the toolbox and explained the most relevant building blocks and activities. Was also carried out a synchronous interactive exercise that allowed the audience to share the various challenges that Brazilian Northeast Cities face, and how the toolbox can be useful in the 52 municipalities and their own projects. 

Our City Plans democratises and articulates a comprehensive planning framework developed and utilised by UN-Habitat. Customised technical assistance can be provided according to the local needs, the purpose of the plan and the available resources.  

If you are interested in receiving a training session on the use of the toolbox and the digital platform, do not hesitate to contact us

We look forward to connecting with you and continuing to plan inclusive and better cities for all.

View the recording of the training